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Price: $1.50
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Cherry Shrimp are the mascots of the shrimp keeping hobby and are worthy of their fame. They come in a wide variety of grading, readily available, extremely prolific and the bright red coloration makes for a solid first choice for new shrimp keepers. It is generally known that if you’re unable to keep Cherry shrimp alive, you should re-investigate your water and tank conditions before proceeding with any other shrimp. Note that Bloody Mary Shrimp are not the same as Cherry Shrimp.
We wanted to provide more approachable lower grade shrimp that are suitable for beginning hobbyists. These cherry shrimp range from the lowest grade “Cherry” (usually males), to high grade “Fire Red” (often females), thus we felt it best to label them as an average of “Sakura” grade. These are kept with Endler hybrids, and are very prolific and hardy, making for great starter shrimp.